Sylvie Vega-Molino

I currently hold a position as Førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) at FHS Sjøkrigsskolen in Bergen, Norway.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Universitetet i Bergen, working on the GeoProCo project with Erlend Grong. Before that, I completed my doctoral thesis at the University of Connecticut under the supervision of Fabrice Baudoin.

I study differential geometry; my focus is on sub-Riemannian geometry, index theory, stochastic analysis, and the intersection of these fields.

  • On the blog page, I post some notes on my research, comments about conferences I’ve had the opportunity to attend, as well as expository and lecture notes. Please feel welcome to leave comments; you can also subscribe to periodically receive emails when new posts go up.
  • The research page is a compilation of the various talks I’ve given, conferences I’ve attended, and papers I’ve written, among other things.
  • The teaching page is a short list of past classes I’ve taught, as well as an expanding list of resources for students.

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